Hello, I'm Asha
Welcome to my card where you can find and navigate to my other socials along with examples of my work. I'm a freelance illustrator and creature designer which is part of my passions.
Personal favorites
Here are some of my proudest pieces of work.
Miscellaneous art
I'm Asha, I've been around on the web growing and perfecting my skills to become a better artist and story teller. I have a wide range of interests in both fantasy and scifi and always brainstorming ways of how to enrich the worlds through character/creature creation and also development of both character and world.
I'm on various sites, but due to some sites having their selective issues and public opinion I have my hand in some that I'll be mostly nesting in until there's a proper base of activity. I'm commonly known as Ashacadence or Asha_Cadence on most sites. (Ashascadence was an old username that I had to change due to being called Ashas, which I do not find acceptable. Some works are tagged as Ashascadence out of tagging habits-FYI)